By the dark corner of a window I sat alone shivering in the damp foggy cold. I stared at raindrops flowing like tears in the stained window glass. The room was terribly cold, terribly sad. Silence echoed on the corners, like the screams of hell. Fragrance of dead roses filled the four murky walls. Life no longer existed.
I escaped the sight of the forsaken room and looked outside into the dimmed dank streets. Fewer souls were walking on the pavements that dreary day. And those willing ones who were out in the fog were wearing black coats, black scarves, black jackets. Black, for they mourn their identity. They hide. They all seemed so small from my point of view, like minuscule ants marching in the dirt. They seemed worthless. And more importantly, they seemed alone. At that moment, I inhaled the sad truth. I came to realization that we are indeed alone. We are just one. We are by ourselves.
We talk to other people’s ears, dance to other people’s feet, and sing along with other people’s voices. But all those are just endeavors to escape the truth that we are absolutely lonely. This is what all humans have in common. This is the realization all humans fear of.
I kept on glancing above the streets. I saw this young little boy in rugged clammy clothes, begging for food. He looked cold and pale. Men and women in black coats and jackets passed by him, never bothering. Even four storeys above, I saw the sadness in his young innocent eyes. I felt his pain. Like me, he was alone.
Now you see what I meant. We are individuals responsible for our own being. No one cared for that boy but himself. He was seen but never heard by the strangers passing by. He was nothing but another soul temporarily striving in this sorrowful world.
Loneliness eats us from within. It is like leprosy- or worse. It is up to us if we will let it devour us or not. Since we are individuals, it is we, as separate beings, that decide for our own fate. How we feel is out of our hands, but how we decide is controllable. You already know you are pathetically sad, now what are going to do about it?
If you took my words wrong, spare me the details of your suicide.
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