The sphere where eagles start to fly, and where eagles commence to soar. A grand nest in western Mindanao where everyone is of service to others. A community filled with love and pride in strands of gold. A family where all eagles, young and venerable, explore the skies in league in flawless amity and grace. Ateneo, for God and country.
Ateneo enlightened me a lot of things that made a preferable soul. Before going to Ateneo, modesty was not in my vocabulary. I was not a person who persisted in being low profile. In my naive and more juvenile years, I tend to seize attention towards me. But as I pass each day in Ateneo, I realized how beautiful humility can be. With daily interaction with my classmates, educators and mentors (especially the Jesuits), the simplicity in things became clear to me. I need not brag my corporeal possessions, for the achievements I attain manifests pride in itself. In a ephemeral period of time, I came to fathom how superb it feels to be meek. Ateneo as well taught me how to become accountable and independent. I have improved self-reliance through conclusion making. There are instances where I have to make trifling but consequential decisions. Like whether to be a part of a program or a venture, I don’t have to bank on others to reckon for me.
Responsibility made an emergence in my life when I got involved in extra-curicular activities. I had to balance my scholastics with the activities I had outside the classroom. I had to be at the helm of multi-tasking to be competent to give my 100% to each branch of study and activity. I had to systematize and juggle my way to have an spry and profitable high school life. Recently, I had to attend cheer-dance practices, take part in punlaan rehearsals, and a campaign forum all at the same time. But while doing so, I still have to attend classes and endeavor to achieve for excellent in all subject. I became competent in the complex art of multi-tasking which I had never encountered in my old school.
Ateneo edified me not just to be a leader but to be an example. Example is the premier way to lead. During my junior year, we had a musical play which was probably the highlight of being a junior in Ateneo. I was chosen assistant director. I was in-charge of the creative directing. It was diverting because it put my creativity a step forward. But on the other hand, it was baffling because I had to bring out the best in all of the cast and the production staff. I had to make them fathom of how capable they are of producing an awe-inspiring spectacle; but to make them presume so- I had to have confidence in myself first. They have to catch a glimpse of me as confident for them to have self-assurance. I surmise I did a splendid job doing my part because we gave out a breathtaking play. It was the finest musicale I’ve ever seen regardless the fact that it was the sole musicale I saw. I have blossomed sociably since then. Although my social skills were deemed “the bomb” in my old school, in Ateneo I had to interact with a different environment.
I persistently run across new people with contrastive perspectives in life. The clubs and organizations in Ateneo made the best impact in my social life. I came face to face with people who shares same interests and enthusiasm I have. I even enlist in clubs I never pictured of entering. I not only met supplementary playfellows, but I also brought to light new things to embrace. For example, the Glee club. I despised singing when I was in grade school. I have been humiliated in front of the entire student body when I sang. It was such a cringe-worthy experience. I knew I could carry out a tune but I am conscious that I cannot sing like Whitney Houston or Celine Dion. But since my best friend encouraged me to sign up to the Glee club, I gave it a shot. It was a settlement I never felt contrite about. I relish of singing in the choir now. I gave further chance for my voice to be heard even just as a soprano in a choir. I am elated to have the support and encouragement I needed to be where I stand right now. I am at this moment the club secretary of the Glee and Liturgical Society. But the Liturgical Society did not only coached me how to sing, but the society strengthened my faith. I saw faith by example. I was witness to how the people in the Ateneo community exercise their faith to God.
The school gives importance to masses and religious gatherings not only of the catholic church but of all the religions. Ateneo gives so much regard to other religions. That respect means a lot to me since I myself am not a Catholic. As an Evangelical Alliance Protestant Christian, I give the greatest respect to my faith. I acknowledge a lot the effort the school brings for us to be still able to gather and give our praises to God. The morality the Ateneo illuminate doesn’t just halt with respect.
Charity is a exceptional deal for the school. At first, I was not a charitable person; but when my class had an outreach program for the elderly when I was in junior high school, I surprised myself of how philanthropic I’ve become. I have the softest spot for the elderly and I just couldn’t bear seeing old people forsaken. That single event revamped the way I look at the world today. I realized how callous the world has started to become by leaving the people who raised and fed them to elderly homes.
From that day, I pledged to myself that I would help the needy, especially the elders, in all chances i get. Ateneo palliated my heart. I now see the brighter side of things. From being a bit pessimistic- I now am very optimistic. I lose in the Council Of Leaders election. I Aspired to become a fourth year representative but the votes of my fellow batch-mates weren’t enough to take me to victory. In my younger years, I never accepted defeat. The last time I ran for office and lost was when I was a freshman in Notre Dame of Bongao. After hearing of my vanquishment, I cried and and snapped every piece of wood I saw. But here in Ateneo, I learned the virtue of sportsmanship. I came to realize that I ran for office not for my own good but to serve others, I could still serve them with or without power. I am power-hungry no more. As they declared my co-candidates as senior representative, I smiled and congratulated them. I did not feel bad anymore. All pieces of woods were spared from my strong breaking hands. I finally accepted defeat, and Ateneo taught me that. I may not have the luck in politics, but I have new doors open to help my develop my skills.
That’s another good thing in Ateneo. The school gives me the chance to try new things and be good at it. The intramural is fast approaching and I am very excited because I will be competing in the year-level cheer-dance competition and the tug-of war contest. I have the chance to enhance my skills and be more athletic. I used to be a wimp but by joining the Ateneo women’s sepak takraw varsity team, I became more active and healthy. Through Ateneo, I can face challenges with a happy smiling face.
The Ateneo de Zamboanga University is an educational community forming men and women of God, men and women for others. and serving as an agent of change in bringing about peace and development. Be a participant in a community. Be a member of a family. Be an Atenean. Fly high with the eagles. Be on your way to a better tomorrow. For in Ateneo, you give the significance.
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