This theory is not as stiff as the Utilitarianism theory and the Kantian theory; it allows space for the complexities of actual human situations. Ross believes that we should not stick to absolute rules alone when deciding on how to act; he said we must also consider reason and our understanding of the situation.
We are faced with a wide variety of cases in the area of health care everyday. Our patients are not manufactured in a uniform setting from some rusty factory in the universe. There really is diversity. Some patients are available for conformity to the ‘usual’ care given in health care units but a lot of patients have needs and situations that requires us health care providers to consider.
It is of great (considerable) value to the nursing profession because Ross Ethics considers the actual and prima facie duties. In most cases, especially here in the third world setting where the nurse:patient ratio is never one is to one, the fulfillment of our duties are usually tested. Even in dealing with a single patient, we have a split of going to the duty to the client, duty to our superiors or duty to ourselves. For example, we find out that the patient we are caring for is an HIV positive. This puts our safety as first line health care givers on the line. Our physician would say we must not yet inform the patient but then this also creates a conflict about the trust the patient gave to us by simply allowing himself be taken cared of by us.
Now as advocates of general human health, we consider also the family, especially the spouse, who is at highest risk of getting or already having the HIV. This kinds of dilemmas are often present in the areas. We have our duty to ourselves, our duty to out client, our suoerior, our fellow men, to whom do we take care of first? This is where Ross Ethics comes in. It asks us nurses not to stick to stiff heartless rules alone but consider all the aspects that could make our decision right and correct or wrong.
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