Monday, February 9, 2009

Mr. Anonymous

Today, right after CHD class, I received a text message. It asked me to get a package left for me at the guardhouse. I wasn't sure to go there or not--- anonymous number. hello. scary much.

but, my classmates were curious. 
"GO na Cess!" 

so, I went there.
with Arlizze and Giana to laugh if it was a joke.
haha =)

I asked guard if there was a package for 'Princess'...
he said "yun oh"...

he pointed at this big.... no.. HUGE blue paper bag.
I was like: "seriously? Hala.."
It was one hell of a scene-stealing present...
so, I hid it in my cousin's office in campus for the rest of the day.

oh, by the way. attached to it was a note:

Kinda cute actually. It made me feel better somehow. It made me feel that I am not that such of a LOSER after all. But I really don't know who he is. The only guy I know who truly LOVES me ever-since would be my father. haha. I'm pretty sure it's not my dad though.

So, to Mr. Anonymous,
Thanks. =)

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